anyway, the person that hired me is such a sweetheart! and i love that she's so excited to surprise her man with a cake made just for him! i just wish it was the day already! i get terribly impatient when i want to make a cake...and it's simply not time yet! i think that's why i need more cakes to make, more regularly!! think of how happy i'll be!
a friend of mine asked me to make her daughter's birthday cake as well! that's in a few weeks! it's going to be awesome! when i'm at work, every chance i get i'm busy sketching ideas, inventing cakes in my head! sending out good vibes for new clients!
i guess i just wanted to gush about the prospects, the opportunities lying ahead, the changes i'm making for my own personal satisfaction! i cannot wait to sink my teeth into the cake scene! pretty soon i'll be officially, licensed and ready to go! it's going to be awesome!
i guess i want to thank all my family and friends for being so supportive of me! it's an awfully good feeling to know that there are so many incredible people backing you and pulling for you and telling you "you can do it and it's going to be great!"
on that note: my husband came home yesterday and in one of the most adorable displays of affection, walks into my living room with something behind his back.
"Ohhhh, Cheekies!" he calls. (he calls me "Cheekies" - in case you wonder where i came up with "Cheeky Cakery" now you know.
"Yes, Bean." Yup, that's one of the many nicknames I call him.
"Commmeee heeeerrrre" and with that i walk into the living room. He's got this huge grin on his face and he holds out a little bag and says, "Open this."
of course i hop over to him and gush, "A present?! For me?! Yay!" I really am a giant 8-year-old.
i rummage through the white tissue paper and feel what I know is a book. i open it, careful not to tear anything important. and i was so amazed. looking down, in my hands...Cakes to Dream On, by the one and only Colette Peters.
now if you know me, REALLY know me, you know i LOVE Colette! she is one of my favorite inspirations. i've even emailed her before and we've discussed cakes. i mean, i LOVE LOVE LOVE her cakes! i was blown away. but then my husband says, "Open the inside cover."
and this is what he wrote:
"To the owner, operator and head chef of Cheeky Cakery,
I believe in you. Now you have to believe in you.
Love always,
and i think i most definitely will. love my B. always.
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