Friday, January 1, 2010

iCake makes its debut in a brand NEW YEAR!!

Well first of all, Happy New Year! I'm so excited to share this with everyone! The feedback is in on the iCake!

And I quote: "..I can not thank you enough for the beautiful cake you made for my brother... Everyone was blown away...we didn't want to put candles on the cake so I held them!... It was too funny and we didn't want to cut the cake but we did and it was delicious!..."

I have to admit, I was very excited to hear about how the surprise went! I'm so overjoyed to hear that the birthday boy was surprised and happy with his cake! Trust me, nothing makes me happier than being the person responsible for glowing happiness in the presence of one of my cakes... not to mention...elated cake-eating!!!- It doesn't get any better than that! and these pictures speak a thousand words for sure! How funny are they!! They didn't want to put candles in the cake, so they HELD THEM! Classic!

Thanks so much to the wonderful family for sharing these pictures with me! You are my first official feedback on my blog and I'm so proud and happy to share this with my fans! :o)

Most importantly, thank you for letting me be the one to make your cake! I love what I do and love that you loved it too!


What a happy, exciting post for my first one of this brand new year!

Happy 2010!