Monday, May 24, 2010

Bruins Puck Cake: Bride's Feedback :o)

i can tell you, the most nerve-wracking part of cake: the waiting... the waiting for the feedback. mostly because i'm always excited to hear about the cake. how'd it go? were they surprised? was it good? did you enjoy it? did you love it? what'd'ya think?? i LOVE when clients send me feedback!

M was so QUICK to respond! and would you believe i MISSED it?!? "new" facebook is more than a little annoying to me, with all its settings, notifications, etc. i haven't quite set it up the way i want it yet! so the night of her rehearsal dinner, she had posted the following note:

Mandy -
thanks so much for the groom's cake! i was so excited to see it and it looked terrific, just like i knew it would. everyone thought it looked great - and it tasted delicious too! you did a fantastic job with the detailing. Josh loved it and he was definitely surprised. thanks again - you were so awesome to work with!
~ M

that's so exciting to hear! thanks so much M for taking the time (the night before your wedding!) to send me that message! i couldn't be happier to hear it!

once again, congratulations on your wedding!
sending you my very best wishes!

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