Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sharon eats sea shells by the sea shore...cake

My (now) mother-in-law, Sharon, was celebrating her birthday and I was excited to make a cake for her...

She loves anything to do with the ocean...(she's a closet Discovery Channel addict.)

So, I made some of her favorite sea-creatures out of sugar dough and created a vanilla triple-layer cake filled with chocolate-chocolate chip pudding filling.

The creatures included are a sea horse, a sea star, a white-tipped reef shark, an angel fish, a clown fish, an octopus, a seagull... and then of course, some anemone, branch coral, brain coral and kelp!

It was iced in a ocean-tinted buttercream and set upon a bed of sand. (Uhh, that's graham cracker crumbs.) Every single creature was could even eat the buoy.

As I recall she didn't want to cut it. I LOVED making this one!

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