Okay, so Nick (my nephew...see his 1st!) was turning THREE and was at the time a BIG Spiderman fan! When it was time to make his cake, it was a no-brainer!
This one explains itself BUT... it was a vanilla layer cake with chocolate pudding filling, iced with vibrant, comic book-colored icing. Towering atop the cake, stood a 10-inch delectable skyscraper made of purple-tinted, chocolate chip, vanilla cake! (Because if you were three, wouldn't you want to eat a skyscraper made of purple cake??) On top of that, stood Spiderman himself, who took the liberty of writing Nick his own birthday message in a frosting web!
The birthday boy loved his cake. So did his friends... As I recall, they were particularly fond of the purple cake part! But like I said, wouldn't you be? By the way, Spidey wasn't edible - he doubled as a toy for the birthday boy!
Inside this box was an engagement ring! Not mine... but it was still exciting! When someone asked me how to they could make this Valentine's Day proposal extra sweet, I was like "Uhh, Chocolate Box!" So I designed this little box to hold THE ring!
She popped the box open, not realizing at first that you could open it at all, saw the ring, burst into tears...and then said "YES!" ... and then she ate the box! Ahh, love!

Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like a classic vanilla cupcake with gooey chocolate frosting, topped with a few M&Ms! This is how I do cupcakes!
My (now) mother-in-law, Sharon, was celebrating her birthday and I was excited to make a cake for her...
She loves anything to do with the ocean...(she's a closet Discovery Channel addict.)So, I made some of her favorite sea-creatures out of sugar dough and created a vanilla triple-layer cake filled with chocolate-chocolate chip pudding filling.
The creatures included are a sea horse, a sea star, a white-tipped reef shark, an angel fish, a clown fish, an octopus, a seagull... and then of course, some anemone, branch coral, brain coral and kelp!
It was iced in a ocean-tinted buttercream and set upon a bed of sand. (Uhh, that's graham cracker crumbs.) Every single creature was edible...you could even eat the buoy.

As I recall she didn't want to cut it. I LOVED making this one!
A friend of ours had a beautiful baby girl who was turning one! I LOVE first birthdays! I designed a 3-D teddy bear that she could smoosh and eat all by herself! It even came with the teddy's own pink, sprinkled cupcake. And a little candle upon which she could make a wish!
I recently got married...and with that came two nephews (who were unofficially nephews to begin with but I digress.) Way back when I was just the "girlfriend" and no one's "Aunt M"...Nick was turning ONE and I had offered/been asked to make his first cake! A total honor!
You haven't fed a family until you've fed Nick's family! I took the job seriously and made a full sheet cake...TWO layers, filled with a TON of cannoli cream and iced with a tinted buttercream. I figured a one-year-old would like a toy-box themed cake, with blocks that spelled out his name. SO that's what I designed. The wood-grain was edible sugar dough, and all the toy appliques were also edible. The blocks were tiny individual cakes that Nick could smoosh one with his hands without ruining the whole cake! By the way, the cake weighed like 30 pounds...and I'm pretty sure they all finished it within a few days! Haha!This cake predates any formal training, but Nick seemed to like it!
So, when I had to make my nature-nut boyfriend his birthday cake, his only request was that it had a monkey. If you know him, you know that he wants a monkey every year in some form...
I designed the cake to be an edible ecosystem! This was my version of a triple-layer chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, filled with cannoli cream, complete with a monkey on top. All the animal-elements were edible and included two hidden elephants, a few snakes, and eyes from some other shy jungle critters. Perfect for an over-grown child with a large imagination. It's perfect for regular-sized children too!
I wish the pictures on this one were better, but at the time, I didn't have a good camera!