I'm SO excited to post about this cake! You'd never know I'm writing (and publishing) on 5 hours sleep! Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
SO allow me to intro this newest cake from Cheeky:
:::The iCake:::©
I was SO excited to do this one, because I ♥ my iPod Touch (it's next to the cake in the above picture to show scale!), which for those that don't know, is very similar to the iPhone (without the phone part that is...)

The birthday boy's birthday date is actually January 6th, but the family is celebrating early! However, I added personal touches like the calendar says "Jan 6" and if you look really carefully, it's even "1:06PM"... and my favorite part? "iSal" in the top left corner...because it's the only time you get to see your name in cake! (The birthday boy's name is ....drumroll...Sal!) :o) **EDITED TO ADD: Actually, the date was Jan 5. And easy fix! :o)**
Anyway, so the biggest challenge was determining scale for this one because it's a small party, they didn't want a HUGE cake (we all know how much I LOVE to make big cakes :o) So how do make the cake 9x13 but also make it look a little cartoonish, and colorful...The answer: we enlarged some of the favorite apps (and typical ones) and made the iPhone have 3 rows of apps instead of 4. (So for all you detailed oriented cake-fans, yes, I'm well aware of the scale, and it was completely intentional)... the best part? The size, shape and color of the apps on the cake...totally works for the cake itself! I just want to pick it up and call someone (or at least play some Scrabble).
BIG props go to my sous chef, Brian,...my loving and wonderfully helpful and supportive husband who helped me mix and knead all the fondant colors by hand! Plus stayed up with me...lets just say VERY late to finish this! :o) I'm a lucky girl for sure!
The birthday boy hasn't seen it yet! I can't wait for reactions to this one! I'll update you when I know! :o) Cheers and Happy Happy New Year!
"♥ ur iPhone?
There's a CAKE for that!"©