Fresh from the oven...sort of.

so my brother, for as long as i can remember, has LOVED pizza. for his birthday, we were traveling up to visit him in Rhode Island. i HAD to bring him a cake! SO, since everyone who knows me, knows i LOVE the Cake Boss, I decided to use Buddy's cake as my source of inspiration!
the cake itself was a two-layer vanilla cake. i filled half with a lemon curd, and half with my nana's FAMOUS chocolate filling. i iced it all in *drumroll* vanilla italian meringue butter cream and then the fun part - the decorating!!
i covered the cake in fondant. using the techniques i watched on the Cake Boss, i used various pieces of fondant in reds, oranges and yellows for the "sauce" and then made my first batch of white modeling chocolate EVER!! (which is SO YUMMY i might add). I made fondant olives and fondant pepperoni too! i used the steamer to melt the top just like Buddy and he's such a genius because it worked PERFECTLY! so thanks to him for his brilliant idea!!! it made for an awesome cake (if i do say so myself). i used various colors of petal dust to paint the dough and used a torch to caramelize the white chocolate. once again, thanks Buddy! (as if he's reading this! lol)
my brother opened the cake box and laughed. he was pretty impressed. i think one of the best compliments came next: "oh man! it's so cool. it's disgusting. it's cake but it looks like pizza! [more laughter] that's awesome."
Happy Birthday to the best brother a sister could have :o)
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