happy cake story alert!

this story starts like all good stories typically do: "so, this woman slips on a board..."
that woman? my mom. let's face it. i must have gotten my graceful, gazelle-like elegance from somewhere right? well, one day, not so long ago, my mom was walking in flip-flops on a near-by job site, going to visit my brother whist at work and took a step over a rock, stepped on a slippery piece of wood, fell on a garbage can and somehow fell teeth-first into the gravel. you know, true-blue family grace here! well, to the horror of my brother, blinking, looking up from the ground was a bloody, toothless mom. panic sets in, etc, etc. "where are my two front teeth?" "what about my reunion in two days??!" "mommy, what?! are you okay?" *tears* ...
see? isn't this an exciting cake story??
well anyway, that's the inspiration for this cake! see, in a panic, and luckily hardly in any pain at all, she calls her dentist who opened up his office one evening after hours and spent three hours with her, fixed her face, and sent her home, with little more than a scraped lip and a bruised ego.
my mom approached me a few days after her reunion and said "i'd like you to make my dentist a cake! a thank you cake! he really saved me the other day!"
she told me i can do whatever i want, but she's thinking a giant tooth! say no more! giant tooth it is!! i had never made a tooth before! how exciting!
i made a two-layer, red velvet cake, filled with a gorgeous cream cheese, iced in my italian meringue (nope, never gets old for me! :o) - i covered the whole thing in a vanilla fondant and got to work making all the details. i gave him a polka dotted bow-tie, a tooth brush, complete with some toothpaste, some bubbles cause he's gotta be squeaky clean. and even painted his pearly whites a sparkly white! i LOVED his nose by the way. i don't know why, but i couldn't stop photographing it!!
both the dentist, as well as all of his office staff loved the cake! and the best part? my mom is all healed and has put her flip-flopping nightmare behind her! :o) yay for cake that saves the day!